Guide By Denter


1) start + complete Lycantrophy in BF
2) start Who Comes And Goes
–> don`t complete it yet,
3) instead run south and start + complete The Outcasts
4) pickup and complete Crying Wolf
→ meanwhile pickup + complete Trophy Wolf
5) port to Whisperwoods and start It`s a dirty Job + A Wreath of Roses
6 ) run into the tunnel to complete Who Comes And Goes.
7) start + complete Six Feet Under
→ meanwhile complete the sidequests + local event: 10 Bog Ghouls

8) turn in the sidequests and port back to Fang Tip Grove and run to the farm
9) start + complete A Necessary Evil and start An Errant Knight
–>meanwhile complete local event: 12 Tamed Wolves
10) port to River of Life and start + complete Cruel Nature
11) start + complete Red Hand Down
12) turn in A Wreath of Roses and An Errant Knight + start Clearing the Waters

13) start + complete Shrooms (700, 825)
14) start + complete Root of the Problem
15) run south, start + complete Lord of the Flies (don`t turn in) + complete Clearing the Waters
16) start + complete Assorted Nasties
→ meanwhile complete the local event: 12 Charged Fungal creatures

17) start + complete The Lurking Horros
→ meanwhile complete the local event: 8 Deathless
18) start + complete Head of the Draculesti + Flight of the Sinners

19) start + complete Knight of the Draculesti + port to Old Man`s Bridge
20) start + complete Fatal Framing + the local event: 12 Ghosts at the graveyard
21) start + complete Forget-me-not
→ turn in Knight of the Draculesti first, then Fatal Framing and last but not least Forget-me-not

22) port back to Old Man`s Bridge + start Crossroads
23) start + complete Tenebrae + Ashes to Ashes
→ meanwhile complete local event 5 Turned Fauns
24) start + complete Out of This World and complete Crossroads
→ meanwhile complete local event: 6 burning banner warriors

27 glyph, 34 Weapon, 68 talis