• This is an excerpt from my Secret World Legends challenge run where the lighting was turned off (thanks to SecretFox for the mod)!

    Published On: June 1, 2024
  • Giant size Cost of Magic shenanigans!

    Published On: March 11, 2024
  • ahh Secret World Legends, 16k+ hours played, still finding things!

    Published On: February 29, 2024
  • Completed Lava Game Champion at sprint 6 with the death race mod!

    Published On: February 8, 2024
  • Got it! First ever Dark Agartha E17 with challenge mode + randomizer mod!

    Published On: December 23, 2023
  • Twitch Recap… 365 streams

    Published On: December 11, 2023
  • It ended up being a 26 hour stream raising $1,131 for Extra Life and Children’s Hospitals!

    Twitch VOD

    Anarchy Online played for 7 and a half hours
    Huge thanks to everyone that came out and supported!
    I received tons of help, an absurd amount of credits, and got to be a draculeet!

    Published On: November 5, 2023
  • ages_of_funcom_advert_2mb

    This year for Extra Life I will be attempting to play both prior Funcom mmos, Anarchy Online and Age of Conan Unchained (neither of which I have any experience in) as well as Secret World Legends.

    Also expect some unqiue mod related […]

    Published On: November 2, 2023
  • Welcome to the upside down… or underneath? underside? Tank Commander from down under (the floor)!

    Published On: August 4, 2023
  • Like riding a bicycle into a tank, arcade style.

    Published On: July 3, 2023
  • For your enjoyment and education (you can really see a lot of how the raid works from this point of view), 2 top down E17 NY raids.

    Published On: June 27, 2023
  • I make really stupid late night decisions.

    Published On: June 20, 2023
  • Another arcade style Lava Game Achievement!

    Published On: June 16, 2023
  • Quite possibly the most difficult lava game champion challenge I have ever done.

    Published On: June 8, 2023
  • This is from my Secret World Legends challenge run where: (1) all words are removed from the game (2) all entities (ie: people/enemies/etc) are removed visually thanks to SecretFox for the “cursed” mod! Apologies for the odd sound from the mic, my computer fans were going crazy, so whenever I […]

    Published On: April 25, 2023
  • This is from my Secret World Legends challenge run where: (1) all words are removed from the game (2) all entities (ie: people/enemies/etc) are removed visually thanks to SecretFox for the “cursed” mod! There is also an addition toggle in the mod that removes even more visual entities (essentially anything […]

    Published On: April 4, 2023
  • E17 A Friendly Competition attempts at 0 item power mission accomplished!!!

    Published On: March 3, 2023
  • 2 years later!

    Published On: September 13, 2022
  • Back 2 back Lava Game Champion in The Secret World and Secret World Legends!

    Published On: July 8, 2022
  • Cost of Magic all 4 achievements while taking non-stop damage from hot sauce!

    Published On: June 2, 2022