Categories: Challenge Runs



The adventure concludes! Featuring The Tank Commander and Dark Agartha! The last guitar video… for now!

Guitar Legends Twitch Collection

Guitar Legends YouTube Playlist

How it works: The Abject Audio Inputs program lets you pick an input device and assign keybinds to frequencies coming in through that device. I’m using an audio splitter to split the guitar signal between my amp and a Rocksmith USB cable hooked up to the computer that Abject Audio Inputs is listening to.

Due to the limitations of the way the program functions I had to use AutoHotKey to macro forward+jump to a key and then bind a frequency to that key to perform jumps. Unfortunately you can’t really blend 2 notes so that forward and jump happen together consistently without a macro (and definitely not short jumps at all). The upside is a consistent jump… the downside is not being able to adjust the jump shorter or longer, but having to adjust where you start the jump from instead.

You can get the tool by Abject_Sama here:

Inspired by watching LobosJr Dark Souls Guitar playthrough


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